Zoom是提供给所有东乔治亚州的学生,教师和工作人员. 此工具提供 high quality audio and video, sharing capabilities, breakout rooms, and 更.

Zoom provides high-quality audio and video, breakout rooms, whiteboarding tools, and 更. 标准Zoom会议支持多达300人同时参加. 点击 点击下面的按钮,了解如何开始使用Zoom.


Zoom integrates with D2L and allows faculty and students to meet virtually, and features easy-to-use tools for collaborating online, including sharing and co-annotation tools, 分组讨论室、投票和白板. 

教师: For information on how to integrate Zoom with your courses in D2L, refer to the “Schedule “在D2L”部分中缩放会议.

Only D2L users with instructor access can schedule Zoom 会议s in D2L. 学生的角色 无法在D2L中安排Zoom会议. 在D2L中没有讲师访问权限的用户可以进行调度 Zoom Web门户网站的会议.

注: D2L Zoom会议日程安排程序提供了简短的设置. 对于完整设置, 您可能需要编辑D2L Zoom会议设置 Zoom门户网站.


    • 登入D2L
    • Navigate to the course for which you would like to schedule a Zoom 会议.
    • 点击 on Zoom in the navigation bar or the Zoom module you have created.
    • 单击“预约新会议”
    • 调整会议设置.

标题: 输入一个描述性标题

描述(可选): 输入可选的会议描述.

当: 选择会议开始的日期和时间.

持续时间: 输入您计划的持续时间. 即使你跑过来,这也不会打断会议.

时区: 请确认或选择正确的时区.

反复出现的会议: 选择此选项可创建循环会议. 一旦选中,您将拥有 option to choose how often 会议 recurs, and when to stop repeating.

注册: 建议取消选择,除非您需要详细的与会者信息. 启用这个 设置将使学生更难参加会议.

视频: Choose whether 会议 host (you) and participants will join 会议 with 视频启用或禁用. 用户可以在任何时候启用或禁用他们的视频馈送 会议期间.

音频: 确保两者都被选中.

会议选项: 课程的建议设置:

    • 入场时静音(建议大班使用)
    • 启用候诊室
    • Record 会议 automatically in the cloud (if you want a recorded class session)
    • 限制使用EGSC域登录的经过身份验证的用户.

选择主机: Optionally, add a guest speaker will step in and host 会议 if you are unable 这样做.

    • 保存会议.
    • You will now see your 会议 in the list of 会议s with an option to start or edit 会议. 学生将看到加入会议的选项. 创建的会议 the D2L Zoom 会议 tool will also be visible in the D2L course calendar automatically.
  • 登入D2L
  • 导航到Zoom会议计划所在的课程.
  • 单击导航栏或已创建的Zoom模块中的“缩放”.
  • Find your 会议 from the list of upcoming 会议s and click Start or Join.
  • 确认浏览器对话框以启动Zoom.
    • 登入D2L
    • 导航到Zoom会议计划所在的课程.
    • 打开课程日历,点击日期
    • 点击该日期的缩放链接
    • 点击“点击这里加入Zoom会议”
    • 单击“打开缩放会议”
    • 打开“Zoom会议”窗口

Note:  You may wish to check the box to “Always open these types of links in the associated 应用程序.”

Zoom offers a test site that allows users to test their internet connection, hardware components, such as Webcam and audio devices, as well as in-会议 feature controls. 点击下面的按钮开始缩放测试会议.


Zoom as well as other teleconferencing services are very useful tools, especially 在保持社交距离的时期. 然而,随着越来越多的人转向电话会议 to conduct their daily 会议s, work related tasks, and/or college courses, so have 网络犯罪分子进行他们的业务. 这是出于对网络日益增长的担忧 safety and privacy of our faculty, staff, and students that we set mandatory requirements 查看所有EGSC Zoom用户帐户的Zoom会议设置.

To help ensure the security of all Zoom 会议s scheduled by Zoom users/accounts licensed under 澳博app下载, the three security measures listed in the “缩放必选设置” section below are automatically enabled/activated.

    • 会议密码 (randomly generated) are now a requirement for all Zoom 会议s that are scheduled 并由澳博app下载的Zoom账户托管. 启用此设置 will require all 会议 participants to enter a password before they can access a 会议.
    • 等候室: The Zoom Waiting room feature will now be required for all 会议s scheduled and 由澳博app下载Zoom用户主持. 这个选项创建一个虚拟等待 会议开始前供与会者聚集的房间. 主机/ cohosts of a 会议 must manually allow attendees into 会议 one at a time, which ensures 只有授权的与会者在场.
    • 屏幕共享: Screen Share将被设置为“Host-Only”.会议主持人/共同主持人仍然可以授予屏幕 share permission to 会议 participants using the “Share Screen” options shown below, which are visible to the host/cohost using the green “Share Screen” button.
      • 一次可以有多少参与者共享? 选择选项:“一个参与者可以共享。 一次”
      • 谁能分享? 选择选项:“所有参与者”(一旦参与者不再需要。 要共享屏幕,请选择“Only host”选项)
      • 谁能在别人分享的时候开始分享呢? 选择选项:“OnlyHost”
    • The link to a Zoom 会议 / Virtual class should be sent directly to individual participants 永远不要在社交媒体帖子或网页上公开发布.
    • Once all invited participants have joined a 会议, the host/co-host should enable 锁定会议功能. 此功能可在“安全”图标/设置中访问 in an active 会议 and prevents unwanted participants from joining a 会议. If a participant loses connection during a 会议 that has been locked, the participant will need to contact the host/cohost by email, phone or text message asking to rejoin 会议; however, if the participant is using the Zoom desktop 应用程序lication, he/she can use the Chat feature in the 应用程序lication to send a private chat message to the 主持人/共同主持人请求重新进入会议. 主机/协主机可以解锁 会议 to allow the participant to rejoin 会议; then, lock 会议 again.
    • Meeting ID: While there is an option to set your own 会议 ID, it is recommended 你允许极速生成它们,而不是坚持使用一个. 这让它更 difficult for potential hackers to target your 会议, as the identification will 每次都与众不同.
    • 视频: Both 会议 hosts and participants should set default video settings to “off," to ensure 会议 participants cannot share their video without the host’s permission. The setting will also ensure hosts don't accidentally share their camera before they're 准备.
    • Mute participants upon entry: 启用这个 option will ensure 会议 attendees can't 在会议中发言,除非得到主持人的允许.
    • Disable automatic recording of 会议s: if recording of 会议 is needed, the host 是否应该在会议中启用录音功能. 东道主应在会议中明确说明 notifications, as well as prior to beginning the recording, if a 会议 will be recorded. 不允许与会者录制会议.
    • DO NOT share/post Zoom 会议 information/link on social media or publicly accessible 澳博app下载资源. Provide the Zoom 会议 information/link directly to invited participants.
45分钟的现场Q训练课程&A will cover the power of virtual teaching and learning in the Zoom classroom for students 和老师.
    • 打开投影仪,将PC设置为壁挂机上的输入设备
    • 在教室的PC上作为主机启动Zoom会话
    • 在iPad上输入与主机相同的Zoom会话
    • 在iPad上关闭通知功能
    • On the iPad, open the 应用程序 you wish to display on the overhead and close any other 应用程序(除了Zoom)
    • 在iPad的Zoom应用中,点击“分享内容”和“选择屏幕”
    • 在弹出窗口中选择“Start Broadcast”
    • 导航到iPad上所需的应用程序并开始演示
    • 完成后,回到Zoom应用程序并单击Stop Share